Unified group specifications, such as software and hardware. Bind the user, and assign a desktop host with group definition.
Desktop Group Desktop (Centrally Managed) plus an Independent Desktop (Self-managed) for optimal flexibility.
Desktop Image
Desktop could be created from standard system images or user-defined images.
User Management
A user owns the desktop, network, disk etc. after the allocation of Desktop.
Three User Types: Ordinary User, Administrator, and Super Administrator.
User can customize their Desktop network for their Desktop host.
Use Cases
Enterprise Office
Call Center
R&D Application
Security Management
Performance Edition
The optimized storage technology provides a maximum I/O throughput of 128MB/s, designed for small businesses looking for value for money.
High-Performance Edition
The optimized storage technology with a maximum I/O throughput of 200MB/s and a random read/write performance of 25,000 IOPS, designed for large enterprises looking for high performance.
For more information on use cases and technical architecture, please contact our customer service team.