Multi-Cloud Management Platform

A Platform for Heterogeneous Hybrid Cloud Environments, It Offers Resource Management, O&M Management, Unified Monitoring and Business Management Capabilities.
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Heterogeneous Cloud Management,Rapid Resource Synchronization
Comprehensive Monitoring,Multi-facet Visualization
Key Process Optimization,Self-service Capability


Resource Pool Management
Creation, maintenance, resource synchronization, etc.Once added to the managed cloud resource pool, any new resource and its associated alarm, statistics will be visible as part of the dashboard.
Virtual Resource Management
Virtual Resource Performance Metrics ;1-Click synchronization of the existing virtual resources in the managed pool and automatic relationship mapping of different types of virtual resources.
Approval Process Management
Approval Process and Associated Approval Status; Customizable application approval process module to support robust internal approval process management.
Physical Resource Management
CPU, memory, storage space, cloud platform, data center statistics, and monitoring; Provides the management of physical hosts for the virtualization platform, so that the status of all assets is visible at any time.
Organization Management
Establish and Definition;Establish an organization management system, define administrator permissions, and view resource usage by organizations.
Alarm Analysis
Fault Monitoring and Resource Status;Monitor alarms and failures, to determine the impact of the alarms and trigger virtual resource migration, when necessary. Alert integrated to the Notice Board for smooth business operations.

Use Cases

For more information on use cases and technical architecture, please contact our customer service team.
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